Science Meets Business


Emanuel Friehs
Ludwigstraße 10a
97070 Würzburg
0931/452 652-13

Network Activities

The Region Mainfranken GmbH offers various forms of partzipation and know-how transfer. These events foster contacts between R&D specialists and potential areas of cooperation with the business sector are explored. The Transfer Forum is organized in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) and the University of Applied Sciences (FHWS) . Similarly successful is the Innovationsforum - an event in partnership with the University of Würzburg. The well-established business forum Mainfränkisches Wirtschaftsforum  has been instrumental in shaping regional, economic policies to support the area’s plans for the future and is hosted by the Region Mainfranken GmbH and the Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V. The initiative “Denker treffen Lenker” is a forum for new ideas and impulses on ever changing, relevant topics, such as “Smart Region,” an idea lab with a productive output.

upcoming events